

You are in a constant state of shapeshifting.

A Bare Session is an invitation to celebrate the version of yourself that you are today — body, mind & soul.

The time isn’t after you “lose that last 5 pounds” or “get a little more toned”, the time is NOW.

I’d love nothing more than to create the space for you to settle into your own skin, give yourself the attention and love it craves, drink a glass of wine (or two), and be present with your own beauty.



Outdoor | $1300

Empowering Outdoor Session
{2 Hours. One Location. 4-6 Looks}

Professional Hair & Makeup

Digital Delivery of Edited Images


Indoor | $1600

Empowering Indoor Session
{2 Hours. Stylish Airbnb. 4-6 Looks}

Professional Hair & Makeup
Digital Delivery of Edited Images


All the Doors | $2000

Empowering Bare Session
{3 Hours. Starting indoors, ending outdoors for sunset, 6-8 looks}

Professional Hair & Makeup

Digital Delivery of Edited Images


(+ all the fun add-ons you can imagine!)

In a society that profits from your self doubt,

liking yourself is a rebellious act.

- Unknown
a few favoritesOn the Blog
Carrier Pigeon
Carrier Pigeon


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Classic Scorpio: making a career out of something society said is unbecoming of a woman. 
Stay tuned for more photos from my afternoon at @neighborhood_acai!

#curiouscontentcuration #shareslo #slocal #foodphotographer #foodphotographers #foodstyling

Based in San Luis Obispo and traveling the globe documenting destination weddings, elopements, and stories of all kinds. Inspired by love, light, heartache, and all the things that make us human.

San Luis Obispo Elopement Photographer
San Luis Obispo Elopement Photographer