Tag Archives: Higuera Ranch pregnancy sessions

The Harris Family | Pregnancy Session | Higuera Ranch, San Luis Obispo

With Mother’s Day coming up this weekend, I thought it was as good a time as any to get back into the rhythm of blogging. I don’t know how many people even scroll through these pages, but I sure love being able to look back upon images of GOOD times. If these strange days have taught me anything, it’s that there is a lot to be grateful for, if you know where to look.

My session with these 3 was my first photo session since the shelter in place order was issued 2 months ago. I didn’t realize how imperative photography is to my well-being, until I had the camera in my hands and I was chasing sunlight up a hill with a 9 months pregnant woman trailing behind me. These are the days. These. Are. The. Days.

>> for a big throwback, check out Sean & Stephanie’s last session when they were pregnant this smiley little cherub <<

Venue: Higuera Ranch | Hair & Makeup: Victoria Ann Connolly

Based in San Luis Obispo and traveling the globe documenting destination weddings, elopements, and stories of all kinds. Inspired by love, light, heartache, and all the things that make us human.

San Luis Obispo Elopement Photographer
San Luis Obispo Elopement Photographer